Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies (RAID): When creating a bid or running a project, we create such a log in the hope of avoiding surprises and to shepherd the parties into one point of view regarding project variables. We then seek to quantify and evaluate the risk. Organisations have numerous such documents on spreadsheets, and here is the problem. Senior management does not get a real-time RAID view, and the view presented is relatively negative as everyone compiling the RAID log is trying to protect the project.
Therefore we have come up with a RADIO (Risks, Assumptions, Dependencies, Issues and Opportunities) by adding Opportunities to the mix we change the thinking we hope in the room to try and look in a positive way of benefiting the client. It brings other skills into the room, such as sales to exploit the opportunity or product management to develop the product.
Further, we have built it as a database in the cloud; thus, it presents in real-time the position as it is changed. The board now sees the challenges facing the company as a whole, including the cost implications for the business.
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