Money is lost post signature, in our experience, because of a failure to monitor the Contract. We can provide tools that will remove such issues, ensure you add more profit to the bottom line, and improve governance with a minimum amount of administration. For example:
We start by focusing on what the board wants to know. Answer, nothing unless it is going wrong then everything. We provide a dashboard showing reality in real time with the ability to click through to an item if it goes "red," for example, and see everything to do with that escalation.
Contracts Toolkit
We are agnostic about systems; we will look at your software stack and suggest how you can achieve the visibility you need with what you have.
We aim to make the working relationship of a large, complex contract more effective by having the parties share one version of the truth.
We are prepared to base some of our payment on results; that is how sure we are of our approach.
What Does the Toolkit Consist of:
In the obligation register, we break down the contract into metadata. We then crowdsource the obligation checking, so the most appropriate person is checking the clause, irrespective of which organisation employs them. One version of the truth in real time for you and your supplier or customer
The change control register is a simple log that enables the board to see where they are with Change controls
It comes into its own, for example, at the end of the year when they can see how many proposals are out for approval and which ones could deliver before the end of the year. They could decide to offer 5% discounts to get those over the line and into this year’s numbers, for example. When looked at across the organisation, questions are created, such as, "Why is x client rejecting so many change controls?" Should they raise the issue at their next executive meeting?
In the Claims and Disputes Register, we record and monitor all disputes and claims and their progress toward resolution. Enabling management to make strategic decisions where they seek good relations as a new major bid is coming up It ensures there are no surprises and nothing is overlooked.
The "goodwill" register is very useful for recording those little extras one does in a relationship for each other. We have seen examples where 30% of the contract value was given away as goodwill to a client. One client received £28 million of goodwill in a year.
When you sign a contract, there are often questions over the interpretation of a clause or task. A decision is made, and people proceed on that basis. Something happens, and the analysis changes. This log seeks to capture these points, agree with the parties on their meaning, and log them. Thus, subsequently, in any future confirmed copies of the contract, the interpretation can be included.
A Calendar of Events to ensure nothing is missed for example a rate increase. We have seen examples of the team not knowing that a rate increase was allowed under the contract because that was in the T&Cs and they only read the schedules. That cost the client £1 million because the customer would allow them to claim it going forward but not in retrospect. Where calendars are aggregated, it helps plan work.
Issues Log: You had a negotiation plan, and you got most of what you wanted but not x, y, and z. Quite often, people forget such items; we don’t; we put them on the issue log and, in future negotiations, seek to include them.
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020 8123 5573Ready to take your contracts to the next level? Reach out to Best Contracts by Design Limited today and let us help you unlock your business's full potential. Our team of experts is here to assist you every step of the way.